All videos on this channel are offered as a gift to humanity with the sole intention of telling new stories that encourage behaviors that promote a more sust...
Read moreAll videos on this channel are offered as a gift to humanity with the sole intention of telling new stories that encourage behaviors that promote a more sust...
Read moreTristan Harris is a co-founder of the Center for Humane Technology. He has been named "the closest thing Silicon Valley has to a conscience" by The Atlantic magazine, and prior to founding CHT, he was a design ethicist at Google. Trained as a mathematician...
Read more"Kindness" is how she describes her political style. She changed her country's gun laws 10 days after a white supremacist terror attack, and has been praised...
Read moreVisit our website: http://findhorn.org/InnerClimateChange This is the documentary INNER CLIMATE CHANGE, a Findhorn Foundation production inspired by the peop...
Read moreWhile much of the news is scary, I’ve found a silver thread of hope in this pandemic: What if this is our chance to prove remote work, well, works? Life has changed enormously over the course of a few short weeks. Schools are closed, some cities have...
Read moreChange subtitle into your language. Stop. Just stop. It is no longer a request. It is a mandate. We will help you. We will bring the supersonic, high speed merry-go-round to a halt We will stop the planes the trains the schools the malls the meetings...
Read moreThis global pandemic will shape businesses for decades to come. Black swan events, such as economic recessions and pandemics, change the trajectory of governments, economies and businesses — altering the course of history. The Black Death in the 1300s...
Read moreWhen you wake up in the morning in a completely different world and don't know how you got there. People with protective masks, empty shelves, a quiet, tense situation...are you allowed to laugh, to greet someone joyfully embracing or how could it be...
Read moreAn Ecology of Mind is a film portrait of Gregory Bateson, celebrated anthropologist, philosopher, author, naturalist, systems theorist, and filmmaker, produced and directed by his daughter, Nora Bateson. “The film includes footage from Bateson’s own films...
Read morewww.brucelipton.com Dr. Bruce Lipton dispels the myth that we only use 10% of our brain. On the nature of Glial cells
Read moreIn every workplace, there are three basic kinds of people: givers, takers and matchers. Organizational psychologist Adam Grant breaks down these personalities and offers simple strategies to promote a culture of generosity and keep self-serving employees...
Read moreThis short film, The Man is the Music, draws us into the imaginative and captivating world of Lonnie Holley, an Atlanta-based artist and musician. A lover of Mother Earth, Holley treasures the ...
Read moreIt's not about what you know, it's about who you know and who they know. All it takes is one new human connection to change the trajectory of your entire life. This is something I experienced after doing tons of traveling this summer. I was attending...
Read moreInstead of ignoring sea level rise, this park will evolve with it Source: FastCompany Newsletter Author Adele Peters [Photo: © James Corner/Field Operations/BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group/courtesy Two Trees Management] If you walk down Metropolitan Avenue, a...
Read moreTrailer-Präsentation des Projekts auf der Grundlage des Manifests von Stefano D'Annas Buch "Ein Traum für die Welt".
Read moreSo the first day of the architecture workshop startet with a tour around an in the cathedral led by Ulrich Gehmann and Heiner Weigand. The workshop officially startet with lectures by John Marx and by basislager8 Bernard Prigge
Read moreFor the longest time, I believed that if smart people worked hard and grew up in a reasonably nurturing environment, success would come eventually. I looked at other people and thought, “Wow, that person’s going to go on to do great things.” But as I...
Read moreImpressions of the Creative Communities Architecture Workshop at basislager8 the ponstructions team camp Impressions of the International Creative Communities Workshop Event with John Marx Architecture and Art Director burning man San Francisco; Federico...
Read moreSource:archdaily written by Christele Harrouk City Dreamers is a documentary by filmmaker Joseph Hillel that underlines the ever-changing city of tomorrow and the life and work of 4 women architects who reconsidered the urban environment. Phyllis Lambert,...
Read moreMORI Building DIGITAL ART MUSEUM teamLab Borderless https://borderless.teamlab.art/ 森ビル デジタルアート ミュージアム エプソン チームラボ ボーダレス #チームラボボーダレス https://borderless.teamlab.art/jp
Read moreFirst impressions of an extraordinary event and kick off for a new network with the topic: build.future.cities and creative communities...with the initiators Ulrich Gehman ideal space and Heiner Weigand karmacom with the ponstruction team. The workshop...
Read moreTD Ameritrade’s CIO argues that for every successful “like”-button-type concept that’s developed from a hackathon, a lot of work is put into ideas that never make it past the day of the event One afternoon, as I was listening to an earnest presentation...
Read more- creative-communities-invitation-lettre_20191107.pdf „Man is the measure of all things.“ Protagoras If there are no reliable constants and truths, if the individual is the point of all reference, scale, and orientation, how can architecture, with its...
Read moreRegenerative agriculture is one of the most promising wide-scale environmental solutions. This short documentary is a comprehensive journey through a variety of landscapes and regenerative farming techniques. ‘From the Ground Up’ is a story of genuine...
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