Don't ask anyone who knows the way - otherwise you run the risk of not getting lost.
When I heard this sentence, which seems paradoxical at first glance, in a film, I spontaneously realized how much truth there is in it.
I first had to let it sink in.
Then I began to learn that behind "why get lost" is the chance to see and approach the world, my life in a new, mostly purer way...certainly a truer self.
...And yes, it may be a bit scary at first, but at the same moment, it is liberating to be reconnected to the path the true self wanted to walk. It usually opens up the moment you think you are lost.
In my work as a coach and consultant, I had the wonderful opportunity to support people and organizations in change processes, individually and as a member of organizations, and yet I have seen how often the old ways have been described as new.
As the famous, long-recognized quote from Einstein describes it, "We can't solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
I have always wondered why people believe that the old, familiar ways will lead to a changed and desired future.
Why do we think we can meet a future already emerging before our eyes with the tools, thought and believes of the past?
One problem I kept seeing in the process of a desired change was that we repeat the thoughts of others, what others did, what others experienced. It seems that we hide behind the commonalities of our culture that do not allow us to follow the inner urge to be authentic, to share our own live an authentic life and not an imitation of someone else's life.
After more than 25 years of working in the business environment, I have found the difference between true, let's call it Future Soul Leadership and the leadership of the patriarchal hierarchical approach. You might say that was true in the 20th century, but we now have flat hierarchies everywhere, learning organizations, and and and...well, we change the names and labels, but do we are making progress ? Our structures and legal organizations are completely hierarchical. We have a boss culture, CEO's, CFO's, presidents and so on.
To seriously face the future in the here and now, I think we all need to be part of unity in diversity in our individual ways.
But HOW? I don't have the answer and remember how I started this little article:
Don't ask anyone who knows the way - otherwise you run the risk of not getting lost.
Author: Hans-Peter Kraus Executive Coach + Consultant for a New Leadership + Corporate Culture
He enjoys linking bridges that create a balance between different perceptions. Hans-Peter lives on the border triangle of Germany, Switzerland, and France, near Freiburg (Black Forest), Germany
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