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Source: Huffpost Otto Scharmer, Contributor Senior Lecturer, MIT; Co-founder u.lab, Presencing Institute “Trump is America’s wake-up call” I heard a visitor to the United States say the other day. True. Trump’s first year has been a wake-up call heard...

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Tag(s) : #Awarness, #Science, #Change, #LeadershipCulture, #Education, #Transformation, #innermanagement, #Culture, #Innovation, #Integral, #Evolution

Residents of earth are becoming more conscious in two primary areas. Source: Phillip J. Watt, Contributor Waking Times The first relates to the way in which our planetary social system has been hijacked into a scam to predominately benefit a select few...

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Tag(s) : #Consciousness, #Awarness, #Science, #Future, #Pionier, #Ecology, #Environment, #Spirituality, #Civilization, #Transformation, #Culture, #Wisdom, #Evolution, #Elderhood

The Cosmic Giggle is an experimental documentary film that explores the human energy field's dynamic relationship with our environment. Naturally as human beings, we are connected to a vast network of fluid information inherent to the world around us....

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Tag(s) : #Paradigm Shift, #Consciousness, #Science, #Pionier, #Change, #Cultural Creatives, #Nature, #Spirituality, #innermanagement, #Mind-Brain, #Transformation, #Psychologie, #Integral, #Wisdom, #Ethic, #Movie, #Evolution, #Technic

After seeing countless stories in the media about the atrocities and injustices perpetrated against women and girls around the globe, commercial potter turned artist-activist, Louise Pentz, asked herself, is my silence contributing to the problem? The...

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Tag(s) : #Awarness, #Consciousness, #Change, #Cultural Creatives, #Spirituality, #Transformation, #Wisdom, #Ethic, #Inspirational, #Movie, #Evolution, #Philosophie, #Art, #Elderhood

How do we live in a complex, uncertain and unpredictable world? How do we embrace not knowing? via Nuna Da Silva Blog Humankind has been on a millenary quest to understand the world and it’s underlying rules and properties, with the hope to predict the...

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Tag(s) : #Paradigm Shift, #Awarness, #LiveWork, #Change, #Spirituality, #innermanagement, #Mind-Brain, #Transformation, #Psychologie, #Integral, #Wisdom, #Emotional Intelligence, #Evolution

There is a new domain of mystical awakening that can only be discovered together. You cannot gain access to the secrets of the WeMystical path or the sacred dimension of the ‘Higher We’ as an individual practitioner. This realm reveals itself only when...

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Tag(s) : #Paradigm Shift, #Consciousness, #LiveWork, #Cultural Creatives, #innermanagement, #Spirituality, #Transformation, #Integral, #Wisdom, #Evolution
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