"Technology is just so much junk unless it improves the lives of all people" Jacque Fresco Venus Project
Read moreurbanism
This new coastal Brookly park is designed to thrive as sea level rise

Instead of ignoring sea level rise, this park will evolve with it Source: FastCompany Newsletter Author Adele Peters [Photo: © James Corner/Field Operations/BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group/courtesy Two Trees Management] If you walk down Metropolitan Avenue, a...
Read moreCreative Communities Workshop Documentation

So the first day of the architecture workshop startet with a tour around an in the cathedral led by Ulrich Gehmann and Heiner Weigand. The workshop officially startet with lectures by John Marx and by basislager8 Bernard Prigge
Read moreImpressions of the Creative Communities Architecture Workshop Event
Impressions of the Creative Communities Architecture Workshop at basislager8 the ponstructions team camp Impressions of the International Creative Communities Workshop Event with John Marx Architecture and Art Director burning man San Francisco; Federico...
Read moreCreative Communities- build.future.cities Workshop Event

First impressions of an extraordinary event and kick off for a new network with the topic: build.future.cities and creative communities...with the initiators Ulrich Gehman ideal space and Heiner Weigand karmacom with the ponstruction team. The workshop...
Read moreArchitecture Workshop CREATIVE COMMUNITIES building.future.cities

- creative-communities-invitation-lettre_20191107.pdf „Man is the measure of all things.“ Protagoras If there are no reliable constants and truths, if the individual is the point of all reference, scale, and orientation, how can architecture, with its...
Read more7 amazing ecovillages green-minded travelers can volunteer at

Source: MATADOR Network by Ali Wunderman Ecovillages are like bright spots in all the darkness. While most of the world struggles to find solutions to the causes of our worldwide illnesses, ecovillages are communities who are entirely dedicated to eliminating...
Read moreEventworkshop CREATIVE COMMUNITIES building.future.cities

We want to comprehend the needs of „living people“ and shed light on what insights can be obtained into creative and dynamic urban development removed from immediate constraints. We therefore cordially invite you: ARCHITECTURE WORKSHOP CREATIVE COMMUNITIES...
Read moreAn architect's vision for 'the city of the future' is now a hippie commune in the Arizona desert — here's what it's like

For decades, a community of workers has been building "the city of the future" in the Arizona desert. The project, known as Arcosanti, was envisioned by architect Paolo Soleri, who wanted to create
Read moreExploring the Future Beyond Cyberpunk’s Neon and Noir

From Afrofuturism to the New Weird, nine sci-fi subgenres for understanding what’s to come Source: Medium Daily Digest by Jay Owens “Cyberpunk” has been the go-to imagery of the future for a startlingly long time — Bruce Bethke’s short story of that name...
Read moreJacque Fresco - Values & Visions in the New Society

Full lecture: https://www.thevenusproject.com/product/jacque-fresco-values-visions-in-the-new-society/ Jacque Fresco speaks about the physical factors responsible for the way we react to the world around us. These determinants of our behavior are always...
Read moreLow-rise planet. Measure in urban geography

We are deeply convinced that the best stimulus for work is a personal example. That's why we took paper and pencils and started creating sketches and notes that have later become the model of landscape-estate urbanization introduced in this video. We...
Read moreBioArchitecture: Designing Spaces that Stimulate Blissful States | Michael Rice

Bioarchitecture is design informed by the beauty and mathematical elegance of the natural world. From fractals to fronds, you can see patterns of recursion in the work of Michael Rice. But it’s not just being influenced by Mother Nature. Rice tells us...
Read moreFloating University Berlin

From May to September 2018 raumlaborberlin will create a visionary inner city offshore laboratory for collective, experimental learning. With numerous partners we will experiment with knowledge transfers and the formation of transdisciplinary networks...
Read moreOur Responsibility in the Anthropocene

We live in a new epoch called the “Anthropocene”, in which human activity is the primary determinant for biosphere health. “There’s never been more reason to be nervous. There’s never been more reason to be hopeful.” ~ Johan Rockström, founding director...
Read moreUrban tiny house's versatile lounge comes with an elevator bed

Copyright TruForm Tiny The constraints of living in a small space mean finding inventive solutions to make the most of the space that is available. Some of these creative ideas include hiding storage in the stairs, under the sofa, or hiding the stairs...
Read moreIntegral City Prototypes for a Planet in Transition

People often ask what is an Integral City or which cities are Integral Cities? The answer often seems to disappoint them, in that you can say “Integral” is not an ideal for a city, but rather a framework for understanding the city as a human system in...
Read moreThe Netherlands unveiled plans for their first vertical forest and it looks awesome

It's going to be designed by the leading architect for vertical forests. After winning a bid to design the Netherlands’ first vertical forest, Italian architect Stefano Boeri has announced his plans for his contribution to the entire urban forestation...
Read moreRethinking the domestic space with New York founder of TRNK, Tariq Dixon

As a design-conscious generation begins to domesticate, this online marketplace brings a professional’s mindset to our most personal spaces, New York City There are few cities where space is as precious as in New York. On the most literal level, this...
Read more50th Birthday Auroville The City For Human Unity

Auroville has produced a short presentation video for UNESCO on the occasion of its 50th birthday
Read more9 CEOs’ Top Priorities For 2018 In Tech, Business, And Society

From student loan debt and voice technology to the fate of brick and mortar, these are the issues preoccupying top CEOs at the start of this year. Last year, we asked CEOs for their predictions heading into 2017 and have since seen a few of those things...
Read moreMinim now offers a tiny office on wheels

After visiting IIDEX, the big commercial interior show in Toronto, I noted, with tongue in cheek, that the office of the future was looking more and more like a collection of tiny homes. Lo and behold, the very next day I learn that Minim, who makes a...
Read moreThe cities of tomorrow

Thematic fields © www.deutschland.de The campaign “City of Tomorrow” focuses on four priority topics pivotal to urban development. Energy resources and infrastructure systems ⒸShutterstock Whether looking at a single building, a city block, a district,...
Read moreEnigmatic cedar-clad garden office doubles as yoga studio & playroom

© Neil Dusheiko Architects Working from home has some great benefits: no long commute, and the flexibility with one's own time. Of course, one of the downsides may include the need to have a dedicated office space somewhere in or around the house, when...
Read moreExample 3 Paradigmshift in the buisness world: Made of the Earth about the architect Trupti Doshi

It is time that we share and know about projects which live the new conscious business paradigm. It is one of the fastest growing movements with no leader. This series has only the purpose to inspire, to give courage and empower you. It is about buidling...
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