At some point, we all ask ourselves who we are, where we come from and where we’re going. But many of us stop wondering about the meaning of life because solving the day-to-day dilemmas of everyday existence is challenge enough in it self.
This is the story of 5 people who kept wondering over the course of their lives because they needed to find the answers. Five adventurers. Five explorers who have opened the door to a reality that goes beyond the boundary we assume exist.
What we would like is that after watching this documentary, you felt the need to search, to look within yourselves. We’d like you to say: yes, there is something more! Reality goes beyond the limits of what I can see with my eyes or touch with my hands! I can go beyond! And going beyond means connecting with our true strength. With the divine spark in all of us. Enjoy your journey!
This documentary came into being thanks to Dolors Martorell, Daniel Hernández and Pablo Uson. We are enormously grateful, for your great generosity in allowing this documentary and the extras with it, to be viewed and downloaded free of charge.