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via Enliving Edge By Christopher D. Cook originally published in Shareable A look inside an emerging collectivist movement. In 2008, Alanna Krause hit a wall. Just 25 years old and already rising through the corporate ranks as a global technical support...

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Tag(s) : #Share Economy, #Start Up, #Entrepreneur, #Integral, #Paradigm Shift, #Future, #LiveWork, #LeadershipCulture, #Cultural Creatives, #Cooperations

via Corporate Rebels A little while ago we met with Bucket List hero Darren Childs. Darren is the CEO of the UK’s biggest multi-channel broadcasting company, UKTV, and has radically transformed the way his company works. He freed the organization of its...

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Tag(s) : #Entertainment, #Entrepreneur, #Transformation, #Innovation, #innermanagement, #Paradigm Shift, #Science, #Future, #LiveWork, #LeadershipCulture