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- creative-communities-invitation-lettre_20191107.pdf „Man is the measure of all things.“ Protagoras If there are no reliable constants and truths, if the individual is the point of all reference, scale, and orientation, how can architecture, with its...

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Tag(s) : #Architecture-Cityplaning, #Art, #Change, #Community, #Culture, #Design, #Environment, #Future, #History, #Ideas, #Paradigm Shift, #Sustainability, #Technic, #Urbanism

Source: MATADOR Network by Ali Wunderman Ecovillages are like bright spots in all the darkness. While most of the world struggles to find solutions to the causes of our worldwide illnesses, ecovillages are communities who are entirely dedicated to eliminating...

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Tag(s) : #Architecture-Cityplaning, #Art, #Awarness, #Children, #Community, #Consciousness, #Cooperative-Manufactory, #Cultural Creatives, #Ecology, #Environment, #Ethic, #Future, #Nature, #Share Economy, #Spirituality, #Sustainability, #Technic, #Urbanism