BEYOND COACHING is more than just coaching ...it is seeing and being seen
To be aware of the dynamics of one's unadulterated being.
In this format, all attention is focused on the person, on the human being. You perceive in this environment that you are seen, heard and understood. In this moment you understand who you really are.
An effective method to let conscious, authentic company and personal stories become visible.
Beyond Coaching is a personal EXPEDITION JOURNEY:
beyondcoaching works without existing maps, without a familiar COMPASS. Without a pre-set agenda, the agenda emerges through the emerging relationship, in the moment.
It is the space of encounter where you don't need to become anyone, nothing needs to be achieved. No action is required on your part. A stillness returns and with it the letting go of habitual ways. A journey to the edge of an inner limit. Towards who you really are. This determined leap into what we call our life brings you in a simple and natural way in touch with what really counts for you, because you are already since your birth consciously or unconsciously on this path. Here you can reacquaint yourself with it and connect with your joy of life.
Many, if not most of us live with the feeling that we are not enough the way we are. It determines much of what we do and how we are. And it causes us to constantly improve ourselves. There is no peace. But what if the remedy lay not in our striving for a better version of our "selves," but in the deep and unchanging experience that there is no one to improve upon. That we are enough and have always been enough. And what if such an experience could give us the sense of peace, belonging, and deep insight that we so long for?
beyondCoaching is a profound way to see the person behind the learned mask and have a direct experience of connection and belonging. The radically simple path begins with the insight that inner truth and outer truthfulness belong together. A space is created in which something comes from somewhere completely different.
During our decades of work as professional business coaches, we noticed that people experience a personal moment of truthfulness. To make this moment conscious and to connect with what we generally call burning for something became my task. However, I noticed that the power that lay in this connecting moment usually did not lead to sustainability. The burning for something became a flickering and often changed in everyday life into a glimmering, a dimly remembered. Something was missing. Something that integrated this wonderful experience and life force into everyday life.
When we started to work more intensively with the video camera we noticed something.
The camera, the lens became a neutral observer to capture an unadulterated experience of human presence. This moment captured and unmistakably true through filming became an anchor point for our clients/coachees. It went far beyond the experience of the mind into an inner, deep experience. Seeing myself in that moment integrated an image that formed a new unity with who I am.
What was technically complex and often too costly for individual coaching in the early days is now easy to use, depending on the task at hand.
On our nearly two decade journey of discovery through different organizations, career stages and cultural backgrounds, we/I discovered that there is a profoundly simple way to be authentic with ourselves that can be called an inside view.
Sharing this experience which we therefore call beyondcoaching has changed the relationship of countless people to themselves and to the people around them.s.some examples
Working with and without a camera can be described as being in a safe space of the experience of truly seeing oneself. It is like a visible proof of what I have always known about myself. This experience allows both the person and the viewer to see the difference between image and authentic perception. Giving a conscious voice to important unconscious actions and access to the inner source of perception.
- Written questionnaire
- 3-2-1 Interview format in front of the camera (3 questions - 2 minutes -1 person) with preparatory discussion
- Soulinterview Intuitive conversation approx. 1 hour with or without camera (also possible as online format after consultation)
Follow up offers
Individual or group processes over a period of 3 months and 5 dates
Completion Process Day_To keep the fire burning by itself
Beonline one year of integration of the experienced _To keep the fire burning in all everyday situations.