Where others might see 67,000 acres of desolate desert, Jeffrey Berns sees a future utopia powered by blockchain.
Earlier this year, Berns’s company, Blockchains LLC, bought a vast plot of land surrounding Tesla’s Nevada Gigafactory for $170 million. On it, he plans to build an experimental community that operates on a blockchain, the digital ledger technology developed to support bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
“This will either be the biggest thing ever, or the most spectacular crash and burn in the history of mankind,” Berns told The New York Times. “I don’t know which one. I believe it’s the former, but either way it’s going to be one hell of a ride.”
Source: Futurism Newsletter
A Cryptocurrency Millionaire Wants to Build a Utopia in Nevada
A man spent millions on an enormous plot of land near Reno. Now he wants to build a community based on the blockchain technology introduced by Bitcoin.