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How to Let Life Happen

We think of letting go as something you need to do to relax: a return to a state of flow and calm. Yet, letting go is actually vital to life. Philosopher and writer, Alan Watts says so much of life happens all the time in the space of letting go. When we let go, we sleep, we relax, and we allow life to happen. In fact, we enter into the flow of the entire universe.

Existence is something that is spontaneous. The Chinese word for nature, ziran, means that which happens of itself.

A master at communicating difficult concepts with resolute clarity, Alan Watts popularised Zen concepts in the West and has much to share about letting go and why it is so important.

Tag(s) : #Consciousness, #Awarness, #LiveWork, #Philosophie, #Inspirational, #Wisdom, #Evolution
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