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This “Alpha” Tiny House will change the way you look at micro homes
via nexusnewsfeed source conscious life Video Source: Tiny House Listings

David Latimer of New Frontier Tiny Homes Has gone all out to design the tiny house that anybody could love. He calls it the Alpha Tiny House.

Watch the video in source link below and see all the amazing extras he has fit in. The tour starts with something very unique – a portable porch that folds down, and then doubles as protection for the large glass back door when you’re on the road.

The front door is even bigger than the back — a large sliding glass door that let’s in lots of light and air. And since the two glass doors are right across from each other, you have a sensation of endless space (as if it’s moving into the outdoors).

The kitchen is huge in tiny home terms and feels even bigger because the cabinet storage tucks up or drops down, depending on your needs. Plus custom knobs, lock with the touch of a finger so that you can drive down the road without your cabinets flying open. see pictures at the end

The bathroom is just as amazing. It comes equipped with a full size Jacuzzi tub and shower, the best kind of composting toilet available and a washer/dryer combo. see pictures at the end or youtube

This “Alpha” Tiny House will change the way you look at micro homesThis “Alpha” Tiny House will change the way you look at micro homes
This “Alpha” Tiny House will change the way you look at micro homesThis “Alpha” Tiny House will change the way you look at micro homes
This “Alpha” Tiny House will change the way you look at micro homesThis “Alpha” Tiny House will change the way you look at micro homesThis “Alpha” Tiny House will change the way you look at micro homes
Tag(s) : #Architecture-Cityplaning, #Technic, #Pionier, #Sustainability, #Cultural Creatives, #Consciousness, #Nature
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