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Unschooling_Let Nature Be Your School
via The Urban Monk Blog by Sean
What if we did away with classrooms and allowed our kids to learn math, science, and the arts outside in the forest? This is part of a growing "unschooling" model that's emerging around the world.

Imagine getting to call a Forest your school? That’s where Nick Polizzi’s kid goes- to a Forest School. It’s part of the new “unschooling” movement that’s growing around the world. Rain or shine, the kids hang out and learn everything outside. The best part: Less colds! Nick’s kid used to get sick way more often in the stuffy old classrooms.

Nick Polizzi was a real estate investor who started to get debilitating migraines. When conventional medicine had failed him, he turned to alternatives. A combination of diet (avoiding coffee) and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) gave him the relief he needed and Nick hasn’t had a migraine ever since.

His newfound interest in natural remedies put him in a position where he took over the making of a documentary movie. It did well and he was hooked. Fast forward a few years (and movies), Nick took eight people who Western Medicine had failed out to the jungle and documented their journeys with a medicine man. What happened was very interesting. Enjoy the interview.

Interview Summary:

  • Nicks’ kid has gotten sick much less being outside in the cold and rain vs a conventional classroom
  • The kids are handed knives and have to be aware of their “blood circle”
  • We live in a constricted parenting culture
  • Tribal cultures give their kids more autonomy
  • Nick started getting miserable migraine headaches after college and was prescribed a new medicine that would change his mood, so he denied it – that’s how he got into alternative medicine.
  • Nutrition and EFT reversed his migraines
  • EFT reversed his headaches within a week and eliminating coffee took the migraines away permanently
  • Letting the light of your own consciousness fall on the items in your psyche that have been hidden is the way in
  • He managed to get out of Real Estate in 2008 before the market tanked and jumped into a film project- this set off his new life path
  • His first movie was called “The Tapping Solution”
  • Second movie – “Simply Raw- Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days”
  • He started researching herbs for Parkinson’s Disease for a friend and found 2 that were from the amazon – it led him to dive deeper
  • The Sacred Science- takes 8 patients who’ve failed western medicine and come to the amazon and work with shamans, faith healers, and medicine men. Interesting things happened.
Tag(s) : #Education, #Paradigm Shift, #Awarness, #Science, #Indigenous, #innermanagement, #Civilization, #Children
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