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Is this an emerging Paradigmshift, which might transform production, retail, transportation ... maybe the entire economy the way we are used to manage it?

  • Strati, which is Italian for 'layers', has a chassis body made of one solid piece
  • It has a total of 49 parts - significantly less than a typical vehicle’s 5,000
  • Tyres, battery and suspension were made using traditional methods
  • It has a top speed of 40mph (64 km/h) and is set to cost £11,000 ($17,100)
  • Printer makes parts measuring 3ft (1 metre) by 5ft (1.7 metres) by 10ft (3 metres)

see more https://localmotors.com/3d-printed-car/

Tag(s) : #Paradigm Shift, #Technic, #Economy
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