Now that coworking is a fairly well understood, some folks are going one step further by establishing collaborative spaces at home with what's called coliving. Like coworking, coliving is more than sharing space. Ideas and intentions, projects and purpose all come together in a true coliving environment.
As Shareable's Jessica Reeder put it, “Living alone may allow us to focus on our own goals without distraction, but it robs us of the type of communication that only happens when people are relaxed and at home together...Coliving hacks this trend, infusing the blurring boundaries of work and leisure with new opportunities for inspiration, learning, and social innovation. Here, 'home' is reinvented with a new purpose. It’s a community, an ethos, a series of opportunities for collaboration.”
Bringing all that intention under one metaphorical roof, coliving networks offer members of one house access to affiliated spaces around the globe. Most networks target specific demographics, for instance young entrepreneurs or social innovators.