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- creative-communities-invitation-lettre_20191107.pdf „Man is the measure of all things.“ Protagoras If there are no reliable constants and truths, if the individual is the point of all reference, scale, and orientation, how can architecture, with its...

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Tag(s) : #Architecture-Cityplaning, #Art, #Change, #Community, #Culture, #Design, #Environment, #Future, #History, #Ideas, #Paradigm Shift, #Sustainability, #Technic, #Urbanism

Recycled park is the proposal to retrieve plastic waste from the river the Nieuwe Maas just before it reaches the North Sea. The plastics are recycled to give new value to the river. From the plastics we will construct floating platforms for a new green...

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Tag(s) : #Awarness, #Future, #Technic, #Ecology, #Architecture-Cityplaning, #Environment, #Innovation, #Ideas

At some point, we all ask ourselves who we are, where we come from and where we’re going. But many of us stop wondering about the meaning of life because solving the day-to-day dilemmas of everyday existence is challenge enough in it self.This is the...

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Tag(s) : #Paradigm Shift, #Science, #Technic, #Consciousness, #Pionier, #Cultural Creatives, #Ecology, #Spirituality, #Transformation, #Mind-Brain, #Wisdom, #Innovation, #Entrepreneur, #Ideas, #Movie, #Design

Learn more at: www.iam-weekend.com The complexity, lack of logic and apparent overwhelming nature of ‘current events’ (a.k.a. Trump, Brexit, Climate change, refugee crisis, nuclear vibes, etc) is derivating in a threatening hypernormalisation, full of...

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Tag(s) : #Paradigm Shift, #Consciousness, #Science, #Future, #Technic, #LiveWork, #Change, #Sustainability, #Cultural Creatives, #Environment, #Transformation, #Civilization, #Ideas, #Inspirational

Much has been written about what governments can learn from the private sector, from cutting costs to investing in innovation. Very few of these conversations have focused on people, and specifically, what can be learned from high-functioning employee...

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Tag(s) : #Paradigm Shift, #Science, #Future, #LeadershipCulture, #innermanagement, #Share Economy, #Integral, #Ideas, #Ethic, #Social Enterprise, #History, #Philosophie
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