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by Hans-Peter Kraus if you are native speaker I apologize if grammar might not always correct- I hope the spirit comes across. Thanx for your understanding. During my study at the Free University in Berlin I came across the Human Potential Movement (HPM)....

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Tag(s) : #LeadershipCulture, #innermanagement, #Awarness, #Consciousness, #Education, #Paradigm Shift

Sustainable and cost effective ecologically designed lamp powered by "tap water" and "table salt!" Just add water and salt! Add 1 glass of water and 2 tablespoons of salt, use the lamp for 8 hours. There are over 7,000 islands in the Philippines and most...

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It's not enough to just choose the Dream, but also to act on it and live it. And then there is no one who will stop you. Like power, you must use it so as not to risk relinquishing it. You need to begin living your choice. When you will take it from choice...

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Tag(s) : #Consciousness, #LiveWork, #Wisdom
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