„Man is the measure of all things.“
If there are no reliable constants and truths, if the individual is the point of all reference, scale, and orientation, how can architecture, with its traditional penchant for endurance and practicality, best serve man?
The truly sizeable task of designing cities today’s societies should consider humanisation in addition to function for longevity. Short-term requirements such as investor equity or the fulfillment of immediate requirements are not strong signifiers of progressive work.
Art and philosophy place man at the center of thought and action, providing a base foundation of valuable information regarding the changing nature of human life. The city of Freiburg is celebrating its 900th anniversary next year – we ask a question of the city: what will it look like in the next 900 years? Whereas such a question may be unanswerable, asking it focuses a desired perspective – to invigorate the imagination to visualise the future of the city, and, above all, to see it as a place with human beings at its center.
Marc Auge, a French anthropologist wrote: Place is characterized by three core factors: identity, personal relationships, and history. What about today, and what should it look like? We want to talk about it.
John Marx, AIA and Chief Artistic Officer, is responsible for developing Form4 Architecture’s design vision and philosophical language. He advocates for art, philosophy and poetry in the thoughtful making of place through the emotional power of form with an awareness that architecture is a balancing act between self-expression and collaboration. Artistically, Lyrical Expressionism has been the focus of this exploration.
Tara Ross, „As a management consultant, I help organizations strategize and implement their projects, processes, and initiatives. I employ my 20 years of experience in digital development, innovation methods, startup process, and leadership, and am passionate about turning ideas into reality. I’m also co-founder of B4place, a property development platform engineering innovations in ultra-compact urbanism.“
John Guisto, Artist,B4PLACE helps create new historic urbanism and explores the effect that proximity has on economic, social, and environmental success. We champion countryside conservation by engineering ultra-compact, enduring places. We’ll explore the opportunities and practicalities of developing durable, beautiful places. Along the way we’ll have conversations about art & architecture, urbanism, history, ecology, and our new era of transportation and tourism.
Contact: http://creative-communities.de/kontakt
Location: basislager8 http://creative-communities.de/location