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“Awareness of our true nature doesn’t need studious reading of spiritual texts, years of meditation practice, or deep devotion to a teacher; only the willingness to engage in a rigorously honest investigation into the nature of awareness itself. Not an intellectual investigation, but a personal inquiry into who and what we truly are.

“We are in the midst of a spiritual renaissance that differs significantly from those of the past. We are no longer limited to the faith of our particular culture; we have access to many wisdom traditions, from the dawn of recorded history to the present day. Moreover, the insights of contemporary teachers from around the planet are readily available in books, audio recordings, videos, and on the Internet. None of this was possible before. As we strip away the layers of accumulated obscurity, the core message not only becomes increasingly clear; it gets simpler and simpler. And the path becomes easier and easier.”

Peter Russell is a Findhorn Fellow and revolutionary futurist and physicist.

Tag(s) : #Awarness, #Change, #Civilization, #Consciousness, #Cultural Creatives, #Ethic, #Evolution, #Future, #Movie, #Paradigm Shift, #Pionier, #Wisdom
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