Kinesiology is the SCIENCE of movement. Kinesiology has its roots in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and chiropractic methods. It incorporates techniques such as acupressure and meridian balancing, gentle structural manipulation, massage and nutrition. Kinesiology works to balance all systems of the body and can help with any health issue whether it's physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.
Kinesiology assesses the patient via a muscle response test. This is a gentle test which detects stresses and imbalances in the four areas of the body's systems:
CHEMICAL: (e.g. nutrition, hormones, pH balance, metabolism, immune response)
STRUCTURAL: (e.g. bones, muscles, tissues)
EMOTIONAL: (e.g. stress, anxiety, fears, phobias, trauma)
ELECTROMAGNETIC: (e.g. hydration, energy levels, energy fields)
In Neuroenergetic Kinesiology we use what are called "finger modes". One mode we use is called "priority mode" by using this mode at the beginning of a session it allows only that which is priority to work on with each client to come to the surface during a session. In short, Kinesiology works where the body needs it most, in a way that is most effective for each client.
Surrogate Testing
Surrogate testing is a very effective method of balancing stress in the body of a person who is unable for whatever reason to attend for a session. A third party is required to act as the surrogate. They don’t "take on" the energy of another person, they simply allow their muscles to be used to indicate the energy flow of the other person. Surrogate testing is an excellent way to test infants, those too young/old to understand the testing procedures or pets, who respond very well to energy work. People suffering paralysis or those immobilised by injury, casts or recent surgery. This is an amazing, invaluable technique. Even the unconscious person can be balanced using a surrogate. The same process can be utilised to "allergy test" and is exceptionally helpful in checking out an infant’s dietary needs.
What ailments can Neuroenergetic Kinesiology treat?
The list below is intended to give some idea of the scope of Neuroenergetic Kinesiology...
Accident Trauma | Addictions | Allergies | Anxiety |
Arthritis | Asthma | Chronic Fatigue | Fibromyalgia |
Digestive Problems | Coordination problems | Colic | Dyslexia/Learning Difficulties |
Emotional Upsets | Hyperactivity | Insomnia | Restlessness |
Panic Attacks | Indecisiveness | Sports Injuries | Fears/Phobias |
Skin Disorders | Sinusitis | Structural Problems | Weight Issues (Over & Under) |
...and much, much more
What happens during a session of NEK?
The client lies on the treatment couch fully clothed and with a blanket over them while the Kinesiologist uses a gentle muscle test in the wrist to quickly and accurately identify the area/s of stress in the body. Every system in the body can be accessed via muscle testing and using this bio feedback system from an indicator muscle the Kinesiologist can easily pinpoint which correction techniques are most appropriate for each client. The session lasts approximately one hour during which time the majority of clients will often fall into a deep relaxing sleep due to the fact the Kinesiologist is balancing the stress in the body at such a deep cellular level.