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Peter Merry – Ubiquity University + Transition World
via Qua Vadis 

Peter Merry is Chief Innovation Officer at Ubiquity University, founder of the Center for Human Emergence (Netherlands), and a founding partner of Engage!. He has worked in and across different sectors. As well as co-founding and leading the organisations above, his experience includes facilitating integral change processes in multinational corporations, and government ministries, and in multistakeholder initiatives with global stakeholders. He has also spent many years in the not-for-profit sector.

Are you choosing to live or are you choosing to sleep?

He is a recognised expert in the field of evolutionary systems dynamics and Spiral Dynamics Integral in particular. He has had his first book published in English and Dutch (Evolutionary Leadership). He is currently researching the application of noetic science and energetics to whole systems transitions. In this context, he is working on a Ph.D. with Ubiquity’s Wisdom School. For more information, see www.petermerry.org, and CV on LinkedIn. Title of Peter’s speech: “Ubiquity University and the Disruption of Higher Education”.

A Coproduktion of: http://www.transitionworld.org and http://twentyonevision.com CC BY 3.0 – you have to refer to the original video if you use excerpts https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

Tag(s) : #Transformation, #Pionier, #Paradigm Shift
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