via A Plus Author Lisa Winter
"In my day, kids didn't have ADHD."
"ADHD is just putting a diagnosis on childhood."
"You could get rid of your ADHD if you just focused."
When it comes to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), there are so many tired tropes, it's hard to make a complete list.
ADHD is a neurological disorder that is characterized by a combination of inattention, impulsivity, and/or hyperactivity. These symptoms and their severity vary from person to person, but those with ADHD typically have a harder time with tasks related to school or work and can appear very disorganized.
There are a number of ways to deal with ADHD, including behavioral therapy, re-structuring classrooms and workspaces, and stimulant medication. Through a combination of treatments, many people with ADHD can get through daily life easier, though there isn't a definitive cure.
One of the hardest aspects of living with ADHD is dealing with judgment from people who don't understand it, who of spout myths about the disorder and question its legitimacy. This not only makes ADHD sufferers feel worse abut their symptoms, but it may prevent them from seeking treatment.
Matthew Santoro's latest video breaks down 7 common misconceptions about ADHD that everyone needs to get straight.