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via Blog Martin Armstrong

That year was a tremendously volatile period of civil unrest in France. May 1968 was highlighted by demonstrations and massive general strikes. Students, not the elderly, staged occupations of universities and factories across France. The uprising virtually brought the economy of France to a dramatic halt. The civil unrest had reached such a boiling point that political leaders feared civil war or revolution.

The social revolution of May 1968 had a profound impact upon French society and was the turning point that catapulted socialism to the forefront in French politics. This shock wave has rippled through French society for decades ever since. Alain Geismar was one of the leaders of that time and characterized the uprising as “a social revolution, not as a political one.” (Erlanger, Steven. “May 1968 – a watershed in French life”. New York Times. Retrieved 31 August 2012)

History:May 1968 events in France_ just a revolution?
Tag(s) : #History, #Consciousness, #Change, #Cultural Creatives, #Culture, #Politic, #Paradigm Shift
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