(Charles) Bruce Greyson (born October 1946) is Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia. He is co-author of Irreducible Mind (2007) and co-editor of The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences (2009). Greyson has written many journal articles, and has given media interviews, on the subject of near death experiences.
Greyson is a researcher in the field of near-death studies and has been called the father of research in near-death experiences. Greyson, along with Kenneth Ring, Michael Sabom, and others, built on the research of Raymond Moody, Russell Noyes Jr and Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. Greyson's scale to measure the aspects of near-death experiences has been widely used, being cited 95 times as of early 2010. He also devised a 19-item scale to assess experience of kundalini, the Physio-Kundalini Scale.
Dr. Bruce Greyson reports of cases that suggest that consciousness does not need a physical brain and in fact not even a physical body. Presented at the "Cosmology and Consciousness Conference" hosted by Upper TCV, Dharamsala, in 2011. It is about 1h30m long!