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We invite you to explore some of THRIVE pioneer Evon Peter’s work and wisdom. And we invite you to consider how can we heal with indigenous and other persecuted people around the earth?

Evon Peter is the executive director of the Indigenous Leadership Institute, chief executive officer of Gwanzhii, LLC, and former Chief of the Neetsaii Gwich’in from Arctic Village in northeastern Alaska. He has served as the Co-Chair of the Gwich’in Council International and on the Executive Board of the Alaska Inter-Tribal Council. His experience includes work within the United Nations and Arctic Council forum representing Indigenous and environmental interests. Evon dedicates a significant portion of his time to youth leadership development, suicide prevention, community wellness, and gathering facilitation. He holds a bachelors degree in Alaska Native studies with a minor in Political Science and is completing a Masters degree in Rural Development from the University of Alaska. He resides with his wife and three children in Fairbanks, Alaska.

Tag(s) : #Indigenous, #Wisdom, #Civilization, #Change, #Culture
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