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Dr. Brian O’Leary, Ph.D, scientist, author, Princeton/Cornell physics professor, and former NASA astronaut, was filmed shortly before his passing stating that over-unity devices are indeed real, and that “these concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories around the world, but have not really seen the light of day.”

We are talking about a well educated person who has been working in and involved with science and technology at the highest known levels. He held multiple positions at various universities and worked with the likes of Carl Sagan, among many others. A quick Google search would suffice if you are looking for more information regarding his academic background. He was (obviously) extremely passionate about changing the world and we can see that passion expressed clearly in this video, presented at the United Nations shortly before his passing.

O’Leary devoted a significant amount of time to studying and investigating new energy technologies, traveling the world and visiting laboratories to see them for himself.



Tag(s) : #Technic, #Paradigm Shift, #Economy, #Ecology, #Sustainability, #Science
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